Window Decal Application - Clear Border

WHAT YOU'LL NEED…A spray bottle, scissors (or sharp blade) and a cloth for wiping any excess water.
We'll pop a felt squeegee in your order for you!

FIRST THINGS FIRST… Make sure your window is sparkling clean.
You don’t want dirt to be trapped underneath and spoil your decal!
Fill your spray bottle with water. 

THE WETTER THE BETTER…Positioning on the window is so much easier when the window is wet. So, apply a mist of water on your window. 

SO, LET'S GET CRACKING… Now for the fun part! Peel the decal from the backing paper and place on your window. You may need two pairs of hands for larger decals.Once you’re happy with the placement, press the felt side of the squeegee across the decal to smooth the water and air bubbles out to the edges of the film.
A fair bit of pressure can be applied so don’t be shy!

TIME FOR A TRIM…Nobody needs excessive film flapping about, getting in the way! 
If you have a lot of overhang at the edges cut off the excess so you're left with only a small amount to fine trim.  
Be careful no to overcut though! 

TACKLING THOSE EDGES…Use the plastic side of the squeegee, press into and slide along the edges creating creases where the film will eventually be cut.

SLICE WITH A KNIFE…So knife or scissors?  We Dizzy Ducks prefer to use a craft knife to trim the edges but you can use scissors too if that's all you have to hand.
Use the plastic edge of the squeegee to hold the blade into the edges of the window.  Move the squeegee and blade together down the edges, slicing the film.

OR SNIP WITH SCISSORS… Peel the film away from the side of the window and use the crease as a guide for cutting.  Steady hand and a good pair of eyes and you're away!  

NEARLY THERE…All there is left to do now is to give the whole thing a wipe down to remove any left-over water.  You can squeegee again too if you think you need to. Now you’re all done you can stand back and admire all your handiwork!

KEEPS ON GIVING…Don't forget our window decals are reusable. 
If you want to switch out different designs simply remove and store on the backing paper it came with and use again and again!

ALWAYS HERE TO HELP…We are a small family business and pride ourselves on great customer service. If you have any questions or need any help please do Get In Touch with us.  We're a friendly bunch!